Orion Watch: Community Outreach Programs

A non-profit organization

Providing an integrated network of community services, resources, and programs to justice-impacted individuals. See “Public Activities” for our involvement with the community, and our “Real World Change” for how we are making a difference with all your support.

Association of Washington Business Presents their 2023 Washington Excellence Awards

We are honored to be nominated for “Entrepreneur of the Year” through the Association of Washington Business. We unfortunately didn’t win but we got a delicious dinner and a charity prize of 2,500$. Thank you for everyone’s support and the nomination. It was a great experience and we are aiming to return next year to take home the big win!

Community Outreach

We aim to provide effective and innovative measures to reduce recidivism, unemployment, poverty, criminal ideology and other maladaptive behaviors within the community by focusing our help towards at-risk youths and justice-impacted persons.

OW:COP aims to speak to those in the adult and juvenile correctional facilities about possible careers and opportunities they can pursue to reintegrate back into society. OW:COP also seeks to speak before Law enforcement, Military communities and state, county or federal committees regarding re-entry and criminal justice reform while working towards a unified collaboration.

Family Reunification

three children playing chess

We utilize the best practice methods to engage estranged family members, at-risk youth, children and family’s of incarcerated parents, and custodial grandparents. We aim to provide a future for our at-risk community’s youth to be positively engaged with their biological and/or foster parents. We also aim to provide the moral compass and support to enlighten and inspire our communities at-risk youth. To provide a platform for the youth to believe that hope Is now here (hopeisnowhere) versus hope is no where.

Employment Career Pathways

Our main priority is providing training in construction and similar professions inside of correctional facilities as a means to prepare and ensure that an incarcerated person can be accepted into a state approved apprenticeship program to gain immediate and gainful employment upon release. Obtaining the correct licenses, certifications, training, and cards for employment is vital, especially in crafting desired resumes.

Juvenile Aftercare

We aim to provide complete wrap-around services for juveniles who successfully transitioned from the JR and criminal justice systems. We strongly believe that it is imperative for our communities at-risk youth to have an Individualized Reentry Service Plan (IRSP) that tailors beyond their completion of juvenile probation. Aftercare is critical to support the youth to continue pursuing their educational, vocational, family/community support, hobbies, and other positive engagements.

Conflict Communication and Deescalation Training

We empower people reentering through meaningful conflict communication, deescalation, and skills training. This is a method based approach through JumpStart Mastery’s certified programs. We have certified trainers providing currently incarcerated justice-impacted individuals with the essential skills to help them successfully transition back into the community.

I feel confident and hopeful for my future because of the help and support of JD Barton, Justin Hall, and Orion Watch. If more guys had someone in their corner like Orion Watch, I believe that more people would find success upon release from prison.

-James Rocha